Cheese phobia
Hi Judy
I have, for some time been meaning to email you to thank your for help back in November of last year! I, together with my family and friends have been stunned by the results! I type this as I eat my lunch (involving a piece of blue cheese I might add)! So, in a word, THANK YOU for your help! L Hand tremor
I wanted to say thank you so much for the sessions I had with you in December, I am doing really well and have since been able to stop taking my medication for my shaky hands!
I'm sleeping really well and feel all round a lot less anxious. I am over the moon with the results. I actually quite miss coming for the sessions as they really helped me to relax! Thank you very much, K Barrow Performance anxiety
I just wanted to give you some feedback from the 2 sessions that I attended, they did help. I had no tight throat so could sing; no pounding heart so I felt much more comfortable and enjoyed being in the show.
Thank you, C Weight loss
The hypnotherapy has really helped me and I feel so much better than I did. I've lost another 4kg since September - it's a slow process but hopefully a process that means once it's gone it won't go back on again.
I wanted to thank you for my sessions as they've helped me a lot. Don't worry about my last session as I'm feeling good about my eating and weight loss! Thanks again, E x Head Pain
After many years of seeing numerous highly qualified and highly thought of osteopaths, physiotherapists and massage therapists - most of whom were lovely people by the way, I've finally found someone who has really been able to specifically help me!
Through Judy's expertise, I now know how to help myself, which is fundamental to any treatment regime. She was able to treat me in a way that did not leave me sore and in pain for several days, but instead I felt freer and more upright. Judy recommended important books and equipment that have really helped too. I'd say her treatments have been a breakthrough.' Karen L Binge Drinking & Concerns for RetirementJudy, I would like to say thank you for the help you gave me during the several sessions we had at the beginning of December.
With retirement looming and the very real prospect of a retirement ruined by binge drinking which I have been afflicted with for over 40 years, it was time to take some steps to get my life in order. Thanks to the sessions with you I find that I no longer have the desire to drink alcohol that I previously had and certainly do not have any urges to binge drink now. Over the Christmas and New Year period I drank very little alcohol which was commented on. This change in my life has made me a more relaxed person and has had a profound effect on my wife, children and others resulting in a less stressed life all round. Further, as a result of the sessions, I have become much more positive with respect to my forthcoming retirement and now look forward to starting that new phase of my life. I really appreciate what you managed to achieve. Once again, Thanks. Robert H |
Fear of heights
I was very wary of ‘therapy’, it wasn’t for ‘normal’ people like me!! But I’m afraid of heights having spent 4 hours crying and unable to stand up or move at Wembley stadium. We’d just booked for a once in lifetime concert in Glasgow and the venue stated that it may cause a problem for anyone who was afraid of heights - action had to be taken.
I rang Judy who chatted with me on the phone to see what I wanted and she arranged the appointment. I actually discovered that not only was I afraid of heights I was also scared of falling. I was expecting the swaying watch and “you’re feeling sleepy” – NOT AT ALL. Judy was lovely, we just sat and talked – nothing weird at all. She did eye movement therapy and after an hour, off I went. All I can say is that by the end of the concert I was standing AND DANCING!! Tracie B, Windermere Relationship issues
I attended several sessions with Judy regarding the relationship with my wife. When I first went to Judy, my marriage was truly on rocky ground, largely because of my own behaviour. However, by the end of my sessions with Judy, my marriage had improved far beyond my expectations and more than I could have hoped for in such a short time. I put this down to the improvements in my behaviour brought about by seeing Judy. She has made a major difference to my life and I would like to thank her
publicly." B Smoking cessation
5 stars!
I'm naturally a sceptic towards such things as hypnotherapy. However the proof is in the pudding and I am now smoke free for 7 weeks or so. Judy made me feel very comfortable and calm and I certainly didn't dance around the room like a chicken under her power. It was more of Judy encouraging me to re-connect with the person I was before I started smoking. Well worth it. My life has now changed for the better. Geoff, Penny Bridge Anxiety
5 stars
Judy is simply wonderful! She got me driving on the motorway after years of anxiety driving. 100% recommended! :-) ConfidenceI have been feeling much, much, better really and feel my confidence has really returned at present and I hardly felt sad at all. I have been using the routine you showed me and feel it’s helped. C
Smoking cessationThank you for the hypnotherapy sessions I have found that they have helped me immensely, I have gone from 50 a day smoker to cutting it right back and I have now not had a cigarette in 9 days.
I feel so much better in myself and can now sleep and breathe without wheezing. Being diagnosed with a medical condition affecting my lungs it was something I needed help with. Hypnotherapy give me the positive thoughts to help me give up. I thank you Judy for your help and support and would greatly recommend you to anyone wanting help. Food issues
Judy, thank you for taking my issues seriously, when so many others had trivialised my eating habits and just regarded me as stubborn.
Your relaxing and encouraging atmosphere helped me open up and address the underlying feelings that I had allowed to dictate my diet for more than 40 years. I now feel better about things, and I don't see how I would have got there without your help. Gary B |
Video sessions
"I've used Skype with Judy for a few one hour hypnosis sessions, it was my first time using any type of video chat and found it really easy to use and not much different from being in the room together. I'd be totally comfortable to use it in the future."
Tom Carr Break up
I attended 2 sessions with Judy regarding a really bad breakup with my partner. At the start of the first session I was an emotional mess, I couldn't even talk about things without breaking down and my heart thumping. After the first session I felt a lot more relaxed. I didn't feel 100% but continued to do the exercises she had given me at home. I returned for a second session and felt a lot better; A little more like my former self.
I am amazed how this has helped me. I went through 6 months of being upset and wish I had hypnotherapy a lot sooner. It was something I had never considered but I was desperate, I felt mental! Judy is lovely, very approachable and you feel like you can open up to her. I would 100% recommend her to anyone. Thank you xx Snake phobia
Dear Judy,
I would like to thank you for all the help you have given me recently with my snake phobia. Initially, I did not have high expectations as it was a deep rooted phobia, and I was somewhat skeptical of therapy in general. However my wife persuaded me to see you after she had heard positive reports about you and she also felt my phobia was getting out of hand. Since our sessions I have felt much less anxious and can watch films and programmes without total fear that a snake might appear. My family are astounded by my relaxed attitude to images of snakes, as before our sessions, I could not even glimpse at a picture of a snake. Now I will voluntarily look for these. My recent trip to Australia and Asia was made all the more enjoyable by my lack of fear of meeting a snake. I even felt disappointed that I never actually saw one! Once again, thank you so much for all your help and patience, I will have no hesitation in recommending you to my friends and family. Yours sincerely Stephen T Presentations
‘Presentations to the Team requested by my Boss were daunting especially with additional Senior Management attending and I would be overcome with panic. Thank you for your help, it’s had a huge impact on the way I approach the challenges at work and I’ve found I’m enjoying what’s thrown at me’-
Projects Manager Habits'Things are going really really well, a marked difference over Xmas and new year and my 'dry January' is progressing with me not even having urges for my usual (or any other) tipple. I feel so much better without it all, relishing in a great night sleep and feeling energised and sharp minded.' N
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