It is as if hypnotherapy unlocks the potential you have to break free of negative thought patterns and to react more positively and more confidently to situations in your life that may have previously made you stressed and anxious. Many people say that they are calmer and that they have more clarity of thought – able to make decisions more easily. People who have experienced side effects of anxiety such as insomnia, find that they are sleeping much better and as a result are able to work more effectively.
Anxiety is a fear or concern that is out of proportion to the situation, although sometimes it may not feel like this. It is a normal part of the human protection system to experience this fight-or-flight response, but only when there is real and present danger. To experience prolonged flight-or-flight creates feelings of anxiety. It is often rooted in a previous experience that triggered fear or in a general anxiety and worry about your situation at home or at work. There can also be anxiety without knowing what is causing it, a general feeling of anxiety known as “free floating” anxiety.. Stress and Anxiety can also manifest itself in different fears and worries; it may be fear of being around other people, it may be anxiety in specific social situations, anxiety in your relationships with particular people at home, at school or at work.
Fight or flight
The symptoms of anxiety correlate with the stress response or “fight-or-flight”. This is primal response that protects you against threats in your environment, so if danger is present your body triggers a rush of blood to your arms and legs so that you can fight or run away. It is an adrenaline response that causes your heart to beat faster, pumping oxygen around your body to those parts that need it to protect you. You may feel as if you are on high alert as well, unable to calm down or relax, your mind may race unable to focus or quieten down.
Panic Attacks
At least one in 10 people experience occasional panic attacks, which are usually triggered by a stressful event. Panic disorder is where a person has recurring and regular panic attacks. In the UK, it affects about two in 100 people, and it's about twice as common in women as it is in men.
Hypnosis can help you to resolve the cause for your stress and manage it effectively and relax!
Common signs of stress and anxiety
Anxiety and stress can manifest itself differently for everyone but common physical signs of anxiety or stress are :
Racing heartbeat
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Dry mouth
Butterflies in stomach
Inner tension
Fear of losing control
Irrational dread that something catastrophic is going to happen (such as blackout, seizure, heart attack or death)